Rat-free Mt Albert on the way

A keen group of local volunteers want rat traps in more Mt Albert back yards to support their push to make the mountain rat free. The Owairaka Ratbaggers group has been working to rid the Mt Albert/Owairaka Domain of the pesky predators since August. They are now looking to ramp up the project by encouraging…

Lucy Frost with mum Angela Love at their Mt Albert home.

Little Lucy’s simple Santa wish

Ask Lucy Frost to list her top-10 wishes for Christmas  and right up there will be something quite simple for a 21st century kid – playing games on the iPad with her friends, going to the movies or watching TV. So why is that so special – what’s stopping her from doing that right now?…

Memorial for Peter Whitehead found in Meola Creek at Mt Albert

Who was Peter Whitehead?

Who was Peter Whitehead? That’s the question posed by locals trying to trace the man behind a plaque bearing his name found in Meola Creek behind Mt Albert Grammar School. The plaque was embedded in concrete and carried the simple description: “Peter Whitehead Memorial Tree”. It’s not known when the tree fell or died, but…

MAGS prefect camp at Onemana

MAGS team-build at the beach

Team-building is not just reserved for corporate and sporting groups, and the chance to build a better way to work together was welcomed by Mt Albert Grammar’s new prefects. The school’s 33 prefects for 2018 headed off to Onemana on the Coromandel Peninsula for three days of bonding, each giving a three-minute speech, taking part…

The Ngati Whatua landf in Mt Albert's Uniotec precinct

Council avoids iwi land question

Auckland Council seems to be ducking and weaving in defence of its decision to allow a subdivision on the Unitec land without the full traffic impact assessment the rules apparently require. Against the advice of its own transport agency and with the misgivings of a lead planner, the council last month granted Ngāti Whātua the…

Karen Burge, co-owner of Mt Albert's Good Thing

Q and A: focus on Karen Burge

Karen Burge lives and works in Mt Albert and is co-owner of gift, homeware and clothing store Good Thing. She’s married with four children (aged from 8 to 14) and, when she’s not serving customers at Good Thing, loves to cheer them on at their various sports and interests.

Gladstone primary school

Unitec cut from Gladstone zone

The new town that will sprout on Unitec’s land over the next 10-15 years will have no impact on the roll at Gladstone School – the Ministry of Education has agreed to cut the huge block from the school’s zone. The decision by the ministry to allow the school board of trustees to amend the…

Asquith Ave in Mt Albert

Noise and dust will test patience

Noise, vibration, dust and heavy traffic will be the main worries for neighbours as contractors head towards a start on the Housing NZ land at 33 Asquith Ave. Preparation work is due to begin on February 7 and an uneven site sitting on a volcanic rock base will pose challenges to the developers. But people…

Oakley Creek in Mt Albert in flood

United voice for wastewater rate

Local environmental groups have applauded Mayor Phil Goff’s commitment to clean up streams such as Meola Creek and Oakley Creek and protect our harbours and beaches. Mr Goff has signalled a special rate targeted at improving water quality – costing about $1.70 a week for an average household. Most of that will go towards speeding…

Mt Albert Grammar students at the school junior competition

What a friendship really means

Local teenagers have received a reminder about the things that really matter – and that doesn’t include Facebook or mobile phones. Mt Albert Grammar headmaster Patrick Drumm notes in the school newsletter that decent weather has allowed junior students “the luxury of enjoying many activities and learning experiences outside the classroom” as part of the…

The Maddaford clan of Mt Albert

Great memories made to share

A happy family snap will hopefully help to give some inspiration to people out there to dig out the old photo album and tell their story of growing up in Mt Albert. Terry Maddaford (left), pictured with mum Pamela, sister and two brothers, had his arm twisted by Mt Albert Inc and we today publish…